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Competitors will be judged on posing as well as physical appearance, in both individual and comparison rounds. Both rounds will consist of quarter turns and mandatory poses. Below is a breakdown of the Classic Bodybuilding Divisions with details regarding proper competition attire, presentation and mandatory posing.



- Symmetry - Muscularity - Conditioning



  • Balanced and proportioned physique from left to right side as well as top to bottom.

  • No one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique.


  • Muscular build with aesthetic look

  • Capped shoulders

  • Developed back with v-taper

  • Small Tapered Waist, not blocky

  • Highly visible and conditioned abs

  • Sweeping developed quads

  • Visible and Conditioned Hamstring development


  • Muscular separation, striations, and vascularity.

Competition Attire:

Men: European Trunks, black for pre-judging. Personal choice of color for Awards. Thick band, NO MEN”S BODYBUILDING POSING SUIT.

Women: two piece bodybuilding suit, plain in color for prejudging. Bottoms must be “V” shaped and cover at least 2/3 of your buttocks. Woman's suits for finals may include a printed design or added sparkle, rhinestones, sequins, etc.


Men's Bodybuilding Classes:

5'5” Weight limit = up to 150lbs

5'51/4” up to 5'6” = Weight up to 170lbs

5'61/4” up to 5'7” = Weight up to 184lbs

5'71/4' up to 5'9” = Weight up to 200lbs

5'91/4' up to 5’11” = Weight up to 224lbs

5’11 1/4” up to 6’1” = up to 258lbs

6’1 1/4” up to 264lbs


Women’s Bodybuilding Classes:

Under 5'3” Weight limit = up to 137lbs

5'3” to 5'7” Weight limit = up to 147lbs

Over 5'7” Weight limit = up to 160lbs maximum



Mandatory Poses:

• Front Lat Spread

• Front Double Bicep

• Side Chest

• Side Tricep

• Rear Lat Spread

• Rear Double Bicep

• Abdominal and Thigh

Favorite Classic Pose


Individual Round/Routine:

During pre-judging each competitor will either complete a 30 second free-style posing to house music, or complete their individual routine for the audience to their music of choice (*See posing music below). Amateurs will have 60 seconds while Pros will have 90 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the Event and Promoter of Event and when Individual routines will commence. Once individual round/routine is over, Competitor will step off stage until called for Group Comparisons.


Group Comparisons:

Once all competitors have completed their individual rounds, the head judge will call random competitor numbers of their choice to line up on center stage where quarter turn comparisons as well as mandatory posing comparisons will be performed. Upon completion of comparison round the head judge could call on competitors to return to stage in order to ensure proper judging and placement.


Awards Presentation Format:

Competitors will be called to stage one by one, where they will stop at center stage, strike 2-3 poses and proceed to line up on stage right/left or off stage based on the direction of the expediter until each competitor has presented herself. Expediter will then direct top 5 back on stage after all competitors complete their individual round for the Awards Presentation. Depending on the number of competitors in a class and the decision of the officials, or format of Promoter, either all competitors or the top 5 in the class will perform a 90 second routine to their chosen music. Amateurs: Please note rule for routines, only one routine will be performed if doing Crossover divisions.


Posing music must be on a flash drive, and/or emailed to the Official Event DJ prior to the Event. Posing music may not contain any vulgar lyrics. Music will vulgar or racial lyrics and tone will be prohibited.

Props are allowed in the final evening routine however you must have them approved at the weigh in meetings by the Head Judge or Directors.


*Novice: No Pro Status will be awarded in Novice Class

Pro Men's Classic Bodybuilding

  • Once Purchase is made,  funds are not refundable, but can transfer registration to a future X-Frame Productions Event.

X-Frame Productions, LLC

X-Frame is an Event's Production Company based

out of Austin, Tx hosting Bodybuilding Shows, Fitness Events, 

Health and Wellness Events, and Seminars.

We want to thank all our supporting sponsors and vendors:

- Prep Thyme Meal Prep

- Big Tex Gym

- Competition Kit

- Showglow Tanning

- Bella Glam

- Organic Muscle

- Britfigures Coaching

- Talty Bar

- Race Gas Supplements

- Agame by Sharon

- Regan Health & Wellness

- Greenhouse Foods Donuts

- Elliete Beauty

- Kitty Bikini

- ON-X Naturals

- DT Label

- LGS Activewear

- Fuel n' Burn Fitness

- Bananers Design

- Austin Fitness Community

- Mr E's Remedies

To become a Sponsor, please reach out via Email →

For More Information:

Office/Mailing Address

1921 Cedar Bend Dr


Austin, Tx 78758


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